Category Archives: HW1-photo description

Hw #1

Michael Kenna Steam Rising, New York City, USA, 2000 This photo really speaks to me. I feel like he captures the perfect moment of the steam around the building. Being in new york city , he took a photo with … Continue reading

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Hw #1

As i was looking through Eugene Richards, “Stepping through the Ashes” (A collection of a series of shots taken after the tragic events that took place on 9/11) One shot stood out the most to me. The photograph displays a … Continue reading

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H.W#2 6×6

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John Bhatia hw1 Re

  John Bhatia Gra 2330 Photo1 Homework 1 Michael Kenna – Winter Morning Michael Kenna captured Gramercy Park during the winter of 2003, he conveniently titled his photograph ‘Winter Morning’. The photos subject, a lone sculpture in Gramercy Park … Continue reading

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Michael Kenna caught my attention and impressed me by his set of black and white photos of New York. I picked this unique photo “Wall painting, New York, New York, USA, 2013” under this link= (picture #3). My first interpretation … Continue reading

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homework #1 Jorge Agredo The photograph that caught my attention and mesmerized me in a certain way was “twin towers, study one, New York City, Usa, 1978” by photographer Michael Kenna. In the picture we can see the twin towers standing above Kenna … Continue reading

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HW #1- Sandra Jarro

The photograph I chose was of West Wall: LIRR, Hunters Point, 2004 (7th photograph) by Jeff Liao because of its colors, variety of shadows, lights and darks from the sun, and that gives the photograph a calm yet peaceful feeling … Continue reading

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HW#1 – Julissa Pichardo

Eugene Richards, Stepping through the Ashes, photograph # 11 Of all the photographs, the following stood out the most to me, from Eugene Richards’s Stepping through the Ashes gallery, which contains several photo’s taken by Eugene, in New York, shortly … Continue reading

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hw1 The photograph Three Women at a Parade, 1978 by Dawoud Bey, captured my attention because of the focus point on the three women. In this photograph you can tell a lot by the facial expression they are making. The … Continue reading

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Homework 1 – Jennifer Ramos

During our class, the photographer that stood out the most to me was Dawoud Bey. So, after taking a look through his Harlem stories collection, I decided to go with the black and white photograph “A Boy in Front of … Continue reading

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