Literacy narrative for NYCCT 1101
Draft of 5 (?) week unit—4-1-2020
James Wu
What is writing?
Frederick Douglass, Excerpt from Autobiography of Frederick Douglass “Learning to Read and Write”
What is the value of reading and writing?
How does slavery dehumanize the so-called masters?
Do some additional research on Douglass.
Ernest Hemingway. 2 short stories about writing. “Now I Lay Me”; “I Guess Everything Reminds You of Something.”
What is Hemingway’s idea of writing? How does memory play a role in writing?
Try using his method in your reflection or in your literacy narrative.
Camilo Jose Cela. Short excerpt from Family of Pascual Duarte p.82-86
Discussion questions to follow.
Keith Gilyard, Excerpt from Voices of the Self —
Have you encountered obstacles in your education?
Do you think Gilyard made bad choices?
Compare and contrast your experience to Gilyard’s.
Student writing
a. 4 short reflections on each reading—post to OpenLab.
b. Write your own literacy narrative (1500-2000 words)
What do think is the relationship between reading and writing? What is your current writing practice, including text, email, social media, etc.? What goals do you have in becoming a better writer? What social, family, emotional, economic obstacles have you met in pursuing your education?
What has been your response to those obstacles?
Hey Wu,
I like the assignment is straight forward – read the texts, write reflections as low stakes then write the 2000 wd Unit One. It’s also good to have Ss write the short reflection pieces to help them think critically. Are these low stake assignments graded? Also, do you post the questions on BB and have Ss respond to a classmate? This can help to foster class discussions, and create a more S friendly class –you talk less.
The remainder of my thoughts are really questions, which we may (or may not discuss), for example:
1. Do Ss have to summarize the texts?
2. I think because it is a narrative, Ss are allowed to write in 1st person but in the following formal assignments do Ss write in 3rd person? How do you get them to transition to objective writing?
3. I was not sure how I felt about the last question in the prompt so I asked my homeboy, Messiah for clarity. It became a very heated conversation about economics in America — go figure. In 1101, I would pay homage to you by making Ss create a question — to what extent has social, family, emotional, [or] economics created obstacles in pursuing [one’s] education? #thanks
4. Are students to answer the five (5) questions you posted or can they create their own?
5. I am assuming because it is a narrative and their first assignment, you are not requiring MLA in-text citation?
6. Where is the grading system? Peer review? Due dates for revisions? #adminstuff
Overall, the assignment is good!