Bad Ideas About Grammar

Hello everyone! These are our readings for next time (Thursday Feb 20 and Monday Feb 24). They’re both from BAD IDEAS ABOUT WRITING. Keep in mind the titles are both “bad ideas” which the authors seek to disprove. The first is “Teaching Grammar Improves Writing” and the second is “There is One Correct Way of Writing and Speaking.” We’ll discuss them in depth when we speak. They’re both suitable for students.  I’ve attached both below.

The Thursday group will also have a guest speaker, Lubie Alatriste. She’s a linguist, as well as the head of our ELL dept.

Please sign up for the dropbox, which Christine Choi sent you an email about. This will serve as our repository for assignment ideas, unit drafts and a place for you guys to put articles you find useful.

Download (PDF, 151KB)

Download (PDF, 89KB)

1 thought on “Bad Ideas About Grammar

  1. Professor Choi

    Notes from our discussion on 2/20

    What is grammar?
    -basic sentence structure
    -structures sentences and provides clarity for reader
    -the writer’s control over meaning in the finished product
    -study of conventions (syntax, sentence structure)
    -there are multiple grammars that we utilize depending on the rhetorical situation
    -patriarchal, racist system
    -system of different languages

    Strategies for teaching grammar
    -Use mentor texts with samples of impactful sentences
    -If you see a reoccurring mistake that impedes clarity, circle one instance to bring student’s attention to the error
    -Daily writing exercises of different genres
    -Slow down, go back and re-read what you have
    -Hold off on “correcting” grammar/tidying up until revision stage

    Strategies for assignments and exercises

    High Stakes
    -audience awareness – assess research you’ve accumulated to understand who they’re writing to, interview someone in for their research inquiry & then have reflection paper to analyze how the interviewee spoke
    -reflection paper – student must justify the diction they use in their final composition

    Low Stakes
    -triple/double entry journals
    -find relatable cultural texts
    -find research related to student’s area of study or potential career or otherwise relevant to them
    -work with a partner to generate more interview questions

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