Learning Log 7 – Ruvin Yusupov

This is one of my groups better photos because the subject is well lit and the effect caused by the light gives him wings.

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This is my favorite picture mainly because I directed this picture in its entirety. It almost looks like a 3D comic image which actually wasn’t my intention so it was a nice surprise. I was dancing gangnam style just for the hell of it.  I like how my shirt was green and then the overall color of me in other shots complemented the initial flash shot.

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Learning log 7 (Painting with Light) – Regina Torres

Today’s class was one of my favorite ones because we had so much fun painting with light. One of my favorite pictures is the following one because first of all throughout the shoot we all cooperated in order to get the best pictures as possible. In this picture, I was drawing the heart while Ming was writing out the word “letter” and it came out as a really good picture, especially because of the contrast made with the colors of the both, the word and the heart, with the background. Also. the fact that the heart does not fully show gives it an interesting look.

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Filed under Learning Log 7-Painting with Light

Painting with Light

I believe this photo is successful because the smile on her face makes the photo look happy and the lighting focuses on her smile. Also, the flash lights meets right at the beginning of the heart which looks like she never moved the flash lights.

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Filed under Learning Log 7-Painting with Light

Learning Log 7: Lights Everywhere

I found this picture to be the best one I thought of.
There’s a balance of dark and light just barely skewed towards the light,
and it almost appears to be a solid object in the picture.
The bright pink is the color that stands out most in a harmonious way against the browns and blacks of the rest of the image.

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Lightning effects.

My favourite picture of the shoot in class today. Because of the long shutter speed and the strobe light we were able to have this effect like there is  a bunch of reflections of the subject. Tripod was necessary because otherwise the pictures would not come out clear. Also we have used different strobe light colors each shot which creates a different mood for each character in the image.

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At the Brooklyn Historical Society, my group learned about the Brooklyn Theater Fire that happened on December 6, 1876 where 278 people burned to death and 722 survived.  Of the 278 people who perished, 103 were buried together on this site with funds donated by wealthy people and the city of Brooklyn for those fire victims whose families could not afford to bury them.  Some of those families also received other monetary help, especially when the victim was the sole provider for the household.  This serves as a permanent “living” monument to those fire victims, I call it a “living” monument because of the beautiful flowers that surround it.  The monument itself was erected by the City of Brooklyn, before it became a borough of New York City.

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Filed under Learning Log 6-Greenwood

From my trip to Greenwood I learned that one object on the same location can look differently. I took pictures were greatly impacted by angles and in particular the natural lighting. In the first picture taken from a severe side angle, the female subject appears dark and brooding. The shadows that were being cast greatly impacted the tone and tenor of the picture. The shadows seem to cast a background that is suited to the mood of the woman. The viewer would be more likely to see a figure that is sad and literally and figuratively darker. Further, the viewer would be more likely to view the woman as someone who is appealing to a higher power to right a wrong…a woman in mourning. Since the picture of the monument was taken in a cemetery, the subject matter takes on almost a scary or ominous tone. Lastly, the coloring due to the management of light makes the monument appear to be more weathered by the elements and neglected.

In direct contrast, the second picture is taken from a wider angle and more from a frontward position. The impact of light on the subject matter is great, as the woman is seen in more of an angelic  fashion then the darker picture. We see that the natural light has a great impact on the viewer’s perspective and that the coloring of the woman makes her appear to be gazing to a greater being in reverence instead of despair. Additionally, the angle of the picture makes the woman appear to be more hopeful that her prayers will be answered. This representation of the woman seems like it would be more appropriate in a cathedral or church since the subject matter is so much more hopeful

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Filed under Learning Log 6-Greenwood

Green Wood Cemetery

After visiting the Brooklyn Historical Society, I was amazed to see what is being presented in the Greenwood Cemetery. I hoped to see exactly what I saw at BHS and I did. For example, I viewed a pamphlet from the mid 80s’ that carried some drawn photographs of monuments that explains mystery and then relaxation. The drawn photographs expressed the darkness of the cemetery, so I was able to see that during the day as the sun comes and goes.  

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Greenwood Cemetery

When we were in the Brooklyn Historical Society Building, my group and I had gotten to learn the rules and regulations from when Greenwood first opened to the rules and regulations now. The rules are pretty much the same with changes coming due to our technological advancements. I also had gotten glimpses of the maps that have not changed since the initial opening of the cemetery.

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