Author Archives: Sylwester

Lightning effects.

My favourite picture of the shoot in class today. Because of the long shutter speed and the strobe light we were able to have this effect like there is  a bunch of reflections of the subject. Tripod was necessary because otherwise the pictures would not come out clear. Also we have used different strobe light colors each shot which creates a different mood for each character in the image.

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Filed under Learning Log 7-Painting with Light, Uncategorized

BHS/Greenwood Cemetery

Before going to the Greenwood Cemetery we went to the Brooklyn Historical Society library in order to learn some history about the place. In my group we learned about a tragical theatre fire where a lot of people died and a lot of their bodies were not even recognized so they were put in a mass grave with all the other bodies. It was a good experience because once we got to the cemetery, the following week  it created a different mood for me as a photographer because I thought about the tragedy and all the people that suffered so the images I was really looking forward  to take were full of darkness and sorrow, even thought I still took other ones.

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Filed under Learning Log 6-Greenwood

Shooting a chair.

This image was picked as most successful one by my classmates. While taking this picture I changed my focus to the side one, focused only on the screw, so that it would be as sharp as possible and everything else would be out of focus. I also though about the rule of the thirds so that the screw would be adjusted on the side. From the comments in the class, I learned that it kind of creates a scene that makes you think about what if someone sits down straight on the screw?

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Filed under learning log 1-Composition

Homework 1

Jeff Liao-Habitat 7

1. What type of photography is it?
The Photograph looks like an advertisement of times square.

2. What can you tell (or guess) about the photographer’s intention?
My guess is that the photographer’s intention is to show the Times Square during rush hour.

3. What emphasis has the photographer created and how has that been done?
The photograph emphasis is to capture the motion focus of people in the city. It shows how busy everyone is like they are all rushing somewhere because the time is running out.

4. Do technical matters help or hinder the image?
The technical matters such as the focus on this one in particular helps the image because it sets the mood.

5. Are graphic elements important, such as tone, line or perspective?
The graphic elements are important because perspective for example, if the photographer was closer to the people you wouldn’t be able to see all the motion with the city in the background but just the people and the photograph would lose its power.

6. What else does the photograph reveal besides what is immediately evident?
It looks to me like the females on the advertisement boards are looking down at everybody laughing because they get to just hang there and relax while everyone else is in a rush like they are crazy.

7. What emotional or physical impact does the photograph have?
The photograph is unpeaceful. It makes me feel like I do not want to stay in the city for the rest of my life because of all the craziness especially since I am used to living in a small town.

8. How does this photograph relate to others in the same series by the same photographer?
A lot of them use the same technique of using the motion focus to show the movement of the city life.

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Filed under Homework, HW1