
IMG_1013 IMG_1014

Although we spent a majority of the past year and some change on the construction of the three combustion chamber bed models, the more important aspect of the research is the empirical data we obtain from the apparatus. Although it can be perceived as boring, tedious and cumbersome, this is the main purpose of EESL.

Above are representations of the movement of the small spherical tracer when 20 cm of MSW and 40 cm of MSW are applied to the reverse acting grate bed. It was cumbersome to observe as the bed is not merely a 2D representation; the small tracer has many problems including having its view obstructed by larger pieces of garbage as well as being stuck inside the many coffee cups that are inside the combustion chamber bed.

The information was provided by Tiffany’s recording of the movement of the small, medium, and large spherical tracers. For this particular chart, I only focused on the small particle. Each number represents the location of the small spherical particle tracer after one reciprocation of the reverse acting grate. Each time the reciprocating grates returned to the “zero” position, it would set off a counter at the bottom of the reverse acting grate bed to indicate how many times it moved.

This information will at a future date be processed using MatLAB to create a probability equation to map out the mean movement of MSW particles as well as creating a corresponding 2D and 3D animated graph.

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