Monthly Archives: October 2014

Research Scholarship available $1,000-$5,000

Please consider applying LSAMP program.


Dear Emerging Scholars and Faculty Mentors,

Since you are currently in the Emerging Scholars program, I would
encourage you to consider applying for the LSAMP program for the spring
semester, if you are eligible. This program offers really nice perks for
students and faculty mentors! Students receive a stipend of up to $5000
depending on year ($1000 for Freshmen, $2000 for Sophomores, $3000-$4000
for Juniors, and a whopping $5000 for Seniors). Moreover, faculty
mentors receive $250 for research supplies. So if you are doing a
project that can be extended into a longer-term project, then it clearly
pays to continue this in the spring in the LSAMP program. Interested?
Then follow these steps:

STEP 1: Students, read the attached brochure and check that you satisfy
all of the eligibility requirements below:
i. Majoring in and doing a research project in science, technology,
egineering or mathematics.
ii. African/American, Hispanic, Alaskan Native, American Indian or
Native Pacific Islander.
iii. US Citizen or permanent resident
iv. Full-time student (12 credits or more)
v. GPA of 2.8 or above

STEP 2: Students and faculty mentors should discuss a research project
and agree to apply as a student/faculty team. Your proposed project for
the LSAMP program could be a continuation of this semester’s project.

STEP 3: Register online at and submit an application.
Students and faculty should work together on the application.

Our LSAMP coordinator Marvin Bennett is available to answer questions
regarding eligibility and to offer guidance throughout the application
process. Here is his contact information:
Office Hours: Wednesdays 9-5 in Voorhees 806, Thursdays 9-5 in Pearl 616

I am also happy to offer feedback on your application proposals.

Best wishes,

LSAMP brochure