As we come to the end of the COMD 4900 Internship course, I’ve sat down and thought about what new information and knowledge I’ve obtained and skills I improved on. What I learned is how to stay calm in a fast working environment. It was something that I had to get used to since I only had five minutes to grab everything I needed for the day; I had to grab the materials, my laptop, my walkie, the attendance, and a cleaning bag [it consisted of paper towels, Lysol spray, Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, and soap]. I also had to take out the snacks for the students within the five-minute mark. I learned that communicating with each of my colleagues and having a set plan with them makes it easier to set ourselves for success a day at a time along with successfully getting through the day without setbacks from forgetting something. I’ve improved my communication skills along with being more vocal when it comes to working with others. Since I was partnered with a colleague, communication has been extremely important to make sure we were both on the same page and both understood what projects would be occurring each day.
I’m very proud that I have been able to also ask for help whenever I had trouble, confused, or needed clarification. I’ve also been able to ask others for professional advice without making the feedback personal. I’ve been able to use my feedback to improve my skills as well as improve my performance. I enjoyed the experience of my internship and feel as if it has set me up for a more successful future.