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HW – Wednesday, September 1 Response to “Maybe I Could Save Myself By Writing”

The author of “Maybe I Could Save Myself by  Writing” wrote about his experience growing up in America and not feeling like he belong because he spoke Spanish and none of his teachers spoke it well of enough to help him attend school.  His roots come from Mexico and he felt as if he didn’t belong there either because of the different language he spoken. Because of this, he started to write poems to speak about what his experience was as a teenager for him.  He is well known to have these traits and doesn’t really fit in with others around him.

After reading this, it made me think a bit. Some people do have trouble fitting it, including myself. Due to me being on the autistic spectrum, I wasn’t that social. I had social anxiety and I could get stressed very easily when it comes to certain things in life. While, I don’t struggle when it comes to English, I can understand that due to some people not being able to, they may have difficulties when it comes to life. Aside from English, I’m not really good when it comes to other languages. I have learned a bit of Spanish, but that is rather difficult to memorize for me. These types of things can happen with anyone, not just with languages. This can happen to people of different races, or how they look, talk or act.  This story basically goes to show how people can be when it comes to interacting with things out of their own culture for the first time and why diversity is such a well known factor when it comes to life.

homework for september 20th

There have been many important events in my life involving my education. Starting in elementary school, school has always not been a fun place for me, more challenging.  i have had my ups and downs in my education and especially my reading and writting.

In fourth grade, my grades had started dropping and i had to take a reading and writting test. and i learned i have a reading/learning dissability. the next year i was put into resourse, which is pretty much like extra help. i would have to leave the class with a couple other kids everyday, and do other work with a different teacher. everytime i would leave the room, i felt weird, confused and left out. at that time, i felt like nothing was happening, especially since i didnt make any new friends or have any friends there and i didnt really understand why i was there in the first place. it would be fun sometimes, we would play writting or spelling games on fridays and we wold get prizes, and i would be able to walk back to class with a cool little toy. but the rest of fifth grade want the best in that aspect. i would miss out on somethings, i remmeber when all the girls had the “talk”, i was taking a reading/wrting test, and i walked in half way through the talk and the teacher had to bring me a chair in front of everybody. from that point forword it went well. i had resourse every year, and in sixth grade i had actually understood why i was in the class and i met my best friend in that class.

Over the years i really never realized how much it had actually helped me with my reading. in ninth grade was my last year of resourse, and it was with my best friend! when we found out we both werent coming back, we were really sad, devestated and i was really scared. i was so scared that i would have no available help for me when i needed it. after my last year of resourse, thats when i realzied i had actually grown with my skills. i had pretty much gone to resourse every other day those two years in eighth and ninth grade, doing homework, and thats it. i didnt need any help, and that felt good! the next three years in high school, the only help i got was extra time on tests, finals and regents, which made me feel a lot more safe and comforatable. if im being completley honest, i didnt even use it that often. since then i think i have done fine with my reading. although, i do feel like i read slow and i have to reread whatever i read, when theres questions following it.

HW – Wednesday, September 1 Response to “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

This text was rather interesting when it came to Amy Tan and who she is as a writer and how she became one. She has a keen interest in language. She even gave a talk to a large group about her book called “The Joy Luck Club.” The story seemed to mostly be about Amy Tan, her mother and how they became English people and in a way, Amy Tan’s mother inspired her to be an English person. In page 1 it states “But to me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It’s my mother’s tongue. He language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. That was the  language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things and made sense of the world. I consider the genre of this text to be autobiography as it is written from a person in there perspective.

Amy Tan would use “simple”, “broken”, “limited”, and “proper” English. When she uses the term “Mother Tongue” she is referring to the English that her mother speaks. However, she was not too happy with her English. In page 2 it states “I was ashamed of her English. I believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say That is, because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect. And I had plenty of empirical evidence to support me: the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.”

Amy Tan wrote this article to her readers to showcase even if people are showed to something that they known all their life by someone other than themselves, as long as they have faith in what they can accomplish, that’s all that matters. I don’t speak other languages aside from English, but do try to learn Spanish. I never texted in Spanish, but when I tried it on someone I did not know, it did change has they did not understand what I was saying to them and they did not even known what you were even saying.

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