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13th December, 2021 Free Write

To finish this semester strong, all I have left to do is the in-class essay upcoming Wednesday. All my previous assignments are completed and turned in. So I feel very confident about my performance in this class.

Taking this class definitely made me a better writer. More importantly it taught me how to write more freely. I really enjoyed the different types of classwork we did in class. For example, daily grammar, writing poems, reading different materials. The unit projects were fun to do as well, I was very passionate about my research work. Therefore it felt more of like a fun activity than an assignment.

I am glad I was a part of this class!


Learn to say no

to hangouts that drain you

Learn to say no

to people who mislead you

Learn to say no

to habits that harm you

Choose yourself

Choose yourself

Choose yourself

Free write December 13

I feel like I’ve learned a lot in this class so far and this was a great semester. Im not behind on any assignment, I just have to submit my essay and prepare for that final. I did good on my unit 2 essay, not so good on unit 1, hopefully I do good on this unit 3 project. It’s crazy how one class can drop the entire gpa, so I’m trying to get a good grade in all of my classes so one thing doesn’t mess up my gpa. It’s really hard for me to do the whole work/ class balance thing because I have to get home before class and If I even miss the bus by a second  the next one come like 20 minutes later. But I feel like I’m doing okay in this class.

mon Dec 13

Today for my free write I am going to be talking about my progress in my English class in college. The end of the semester is approaching and finals are also coming up and so far I have completed all my assignments and projects and I do feel like I could have done better in certain assignments by putting more work in and more effort, but overall I am satisfied with the work I did and I am glad the semester is almost over.

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