ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Category: Major Projects (Page 3 of 17)


Prompt 1 Good habits can improve our physical, emotional, and/or financial health. This semester, you’ve all sought to adopt new habits that will keep you strong in college. What habit would you tell an incoming freshman to adopt that you have also cultivated this semester?

This semester was my first semester ever in college. I have learned that college is a lot different from high school in many ways and have developed many habits. Starting out, I had no idea what to expect except people potentially being older than me in the program and new people. I knew it was going to be scary at first. College is the perfect opportunity to try and get into some new habits.

Starting out in the beginning of he semester, I only had two main objectives. To make new friends, and learn. Starting in a new college or even town, is the perfect opportunity to try some new things that you normally wouldn’t. For example, for me in high school, I already had my own group of friends, so I never really tried talking to anyone else inside my high school. I knew coming to a new school I would HAVE to talk to people to make my time there a little more enjoyable, and to make friends. The first day I was really scared and didn’t try as much as I would’ve liked. But I did talk to people! First week in, someone asked me to open their locker. The smallest things can spark friendships. And now we are friends. Just this past week I complemented someones nails and she said thank you. She then asked me about my piercings and where I got them and we had a whole, good conversation. Just like that, it could be so simple. Trying is the most important thing, even if your scared. I had bad expectations going in, thought everyone was going to mean, thought I would be the youngest and would be deemed “the not matured teenager”. Even if something doesn’t happen right away, it will. A good habit to have starting out, is to try and go out of your comfort zone a little bit.

Another great habit to get into starting your first semester in college is not always expecting the worse. I had bad expectations going in, thought everyone was going to mean, thought I would be the youngest and would be deemed “the not matured teenager”. I thought that because I knew a lot of people didn’t even know about my major or what it meant (restorative dentistry). I also saw the statistic for the college and said most people were in their twenties. When I finally got to school, the facts were true, most people were in their twenties. When I finally started making friends and talking to people, everyone was actually very nice. I only have three close friends, but at this point approaching the end of the first semester, I think I have talked to almost everyone in my classes. And even though I cant read minds, I don’t think anyone thinks of me as the little, immature teenage girl. Also was very scared about walking alone in Brooklyn for the first time. I am not from around here and didn’t really know what to expect. Me and my dad went a few times before the semester started and it was fine. But the first day came, on the train on the way there, every bad thing was going through me (and almost started crying). Mostly the “I am going to get hurt, mugged or kidnapped” situations. But I did it, alone! And I was fine. After the first day, I got used to it and was completely fine. Expecting the worse always lead to worry and panic. Even trying to tell your self good things, maybe if you don’t believe it, could help.

Finally, it is really good to try to get into good habits before or during your first semester. My first semester, I had no idea what I was doing going into this. College actually got good and I look forward to going. College is a whole new experience, so why not try some new things.

Final exam essay Prompt 1

        In My first semester in college, I have learned a lot of stuff and I have developed good and bad habits during this semester. Experiencing new habits is good because I feel like when you discover new habits you get to know yourself and who you are even if the habit is good or bad. So far in my first year of college, I feel different, not only because all my classes are online but because I feel like I have unlocked a new level of myself since entering college.

      This semester I developed some bad habits and some of these habits were, sometimes handing assignments late or not studying for an exam. Even tho I completed all my assignments for each of my classes, as the semester is about to end I look back on what I could have done better and what I could have changed, What I could have done better was be more focused during my classes and study more for exams, for example, my algebra and trigonometry class was a difficult class and I didn’t study for some of the exams but if I did I would have gotten a higher grade for my tests and I probably would have felt more comfortable and not lost during class.

Next semester I plan on changing my ways and bad habits and I plan on bringing on my A-game because I don’t want to bring the same energy and mentality I had in high school into college. I want to be able to complete and hand in all my assignments on time next semester, I also want to be a role model for my little brother and sister because my sister starts college next year and I don’t want her to be slacking the first few weeks of college and for her grades to be bad. This will help my siblings because they have to know that life doesn’t come easy and things can’t be done for them because when they are in college things get serious and they won’t be able to make silly mistakes they would make in high school.

In conclusion, Everyone develops good and bad habits and sometimes those habits can take an effect on your emotions, for example, there was a point in time in the semester where I was nervous and scared about how I was performing in class and I was afraid I will opt out because of bad grades but towards the end of the semester I got rid of my bad habits and was able to raise my grades and perform better on exams and started handing in my assignments on time. Everyone has good and bad habits but the question is when are we going to realize that we have to let go of those bad habits to benefit ourselves.

Final (Poem)

Born in a time of discovery, the skies seemed endless.

A bright future of collaboration and expansion was nearing, with earthly quarrels far overshadowed by the beauty of our blue marble from afar.

Things seemed great, NASA and others pioneered science far beyond what we thought was possible.

But, at some point, it slowed.

Politicians lobbied for budget cuts and restrictions, because they couldn’t possibly understand why we needed to spend so much on, in their eyes, a frivolous pursuit.

We lost our focus on the skies and turned back inwards, focusing on our problems back here, on Earth.

But it wasn’t over, Humans will always want to explore.

It didn’t take long for individuals, not corporations, to give it a try.

So slowly, they worked on their own concepts, from the ground up.

Forming something from nothing, learning and building of the shoulders of the giants before them.

Until today, where we stand in-between two distinct periods in our history.

One of government funding and bureaucratic decision making.

Another, One free of any restrictions, driven by innovation and imagination.

Yet, there’s a looming issue with this new approach.

Its intentions are not the same.

Unlike the age of exploration, with scientific interests to further our knowledge.

The age of commercialization aims to do one thing, make the rich richer, bring money back to those who started it.

Unfathomable wealth already accumulated by a select few, the few who can afford such endeavors.

This will only further that divide.


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