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Author: Kevin Chabla (Page 5 of 8)

Wednesday, 20, 2021

In my opinion, procrastination is an awful thing. It creates stress because when you procrastinate, you typically leave a lot of things for the last minute. I know a thing or two about procrastination as I sometimes do this and then spend my whole day and sometimes night doing all the work I was supposed to do. I especially hate when I get assigned something and have more than a week or so to do my work and end up doing it the night before. While it may be easy and tell someone who procrastinates to just do it early, it is difficult to do so, or at least it is for me. I truly do hope I get over my habit of procrastinating as it would make life easier and stress-free. You have no idea the amount of stressful nights I could’ve avoided had I done my work earlier. Fortunately for me, something just clicks inside me and allows me to do my work very rapidly. Due to this, I would say I have an 85% success rate when it comes to doing things at the last minute and handing it on time. Music plays a huge role when it comes to doing my work fast as a result of procrastinating. While I am a huge hip-hop fan, classic old rock music hypes me up to do everything fast.

Monday, October 18, 2021

I see myself as an obedient person most of the time. Whenever you’re at work or at your home, you’d have to be obedient to your job or your parents. That’s just how it mainly is. However, while it is good to be obedient, being disobedient can also be seen as good in some cases. For example, if some person told you to do something that is very bad, the right thing to do would be to not listen to them. I feel like if we are talking about younger siblings we would want them to be obedient. In my opinion, my brothers being obedient is amazing cause they aren’t annoying or whine or stuff like that when someone asks them to do something. I see myself being obedient as like a person who gets stuff done.

Education narrative- Final draft

There have been many turning points in my education over the course of my life. Despite the various events that have impacted my education in a positive manner, I see the seventh grade, my English teacher, and my Math teacher as the three major causes for the impact on my education. They all played a major part in my school life and helped me out drastically. For these reasons, I was able to do better in school, stay motivated, and have confidence throughout my entire life.

A turning point in my education was in seventh grade when I was told that my grades seriously mattered. Not that my grades didn’t matter before, but this time it truly was very important. I was informed by my teachers that the grades I get in 7th grade would affect which high schools would accept my application. Back then, I always found myself doing average in school and not really caring if I didn’t get the best grades, but as I got older, I knew that it was time to get serious. My teachers constantly reminding me that my grades that year would matter did both good and bad things to me. It was bad because I felt very stressed just at the thought of getting bad grades. I felt as if me getting bad grades would result in me ending up at a bad high school and not do my best when it comes to school. While it stressed me out, it also in a way, lit up a fire inside of me and just motivated me to do the best I have ever done when it comes to my grades. As a result of this, I did everything I had to do, and not just that, but I also made sure that everything I did was done flawlessly. Consequently, after a grueling school year, I received my report card and saw that I had 95’s and above for all the classes I took. This made me very happy and made me realize that school isn’t so hard. It showed me that all it took for me to do well was time and dedication. Ever since then, I have tried my hardest to do my best in school and in life as well

In my junior year of high school, I had the fortune of attending an English class taught by an amazing teacher. My English teacher that year, Ms. Lally, was someone who I am very grateful to have met. Before I was assigned her class, I rarely saw her around and didn’t know her. Aside from freshman year, this was the first time that I walked into a class without really knowing the teacher. Even though this might seem like a bad thing, it made me very interested as to how my teacher might be. Will she be a strict teacher? Is she a teacher that develops close relationships with their students? Does she assign a lot of work? These are some of the many questions I had walking into her classroom for the very first time. After a couple of months of attending her class, it made me realize that her class was my favorite out of them all. The way she taught her class was new and different from the English classes I had previously attended. Her class personally felt like a breath of fresh air. Unlike my other English classes, I wasn’t just taught something and handed multiple papers to do. This class felt much more interactive and genuinely made it fun and interesting to attend. Not only did she teach me things from her class, but she also taught me things I could use outside of her class. An example of this is her teaching me how to stay motivated. She always said to think about the reward at the end of the road. As a result of this, the motivation I gave myself seriously impacted my education. 

Another person who impacted my education in a great manner was my freshman year Math teacher. Math has always been my weakness when it comes to school. From elementary school all the way to today, my mathematic skills have never been that great. While they may have got better, there’s still a lot of room for improvement. However, at the beginning of freshman year, I had realized that my math wasn’t good. My eighth-grade teacher did not really care much for teaching math and decided to give us tests and homework with math questions a fourth grader could solve. Consequently, after getting countless A’s in math, you can imagine how confident I was walking into my math class in high school. After a few classes and walk-in exams, it became clear to me that I had walked into a class that would constantly stress me out. Walking inside the classroom on a test day was like walking into a Best Buy on Black Friday. You just knew it was going to be bad. However, after multiple bad test grades, Mr. Crespo decided that he didn’t want the students to not be doing great in his class. For this reason, he went and had a one on one conversation with the students who weren’t doing well. When it was my turn to talk to him, I was very honest with him. I told him I was struggling to understand how to do certain things and that I was very stressed and felt very demoralized. As soon as I finished telling him about this, he gave me a speech that lasted around twenty minutes. The purpose of his speech was to help me out and to make me confident which did in fact work. He made me believe that I can do well inside his class and out in the real world as well. After his speech, I had felt more confident than I have ever felt before. With this confidence, I was able to study relentlessly and tell myself “I got this”. Mr. Crespo was a teacher who had an immense impact when it came to my education as he gave me the confidence to be able to prosper not only in his class, but in every class I was currently taking and would take in the future.

In conclusion,  the impact that the seventh grade and my high school English and Math teacher had on me was incredibly positive. It is tremendously obvious that without them, the way I see and do when it comes to my education would certainly not be the same. They were all able to turn something bad about my education into something positive. Thanks to these reasons, I was able to do better at school and take my education to the next level.

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