ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Unit 2 Project 2 Rough Draft.



The Effects of Climate Change

Shantel, Holly et al.  “Global Climate Change: Effects.”  Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet, NASA, 28 Nov. 2018, climate.nasa.gov/effects/.

SUMMARY: The article talks about the current and long term effects of climate change.  Scientists believe that the high temperature will continue to increase due to green house gases produced by humans. The serve shift in temperature change from the green house pollution has a more drastic effects than we  know.  This causes and increase in sunrise which deflates the normal rain levels that plants receive.  In a future in which heat-trapping gas emissions continue to grow, increases of a month or more in the lengths of the frost-free and growing seasons are projected across most of the U.S. by the end of the century, with slightly smaller increases in the northern Great Plains.  As a result of climate chance the global sea level has risen by about 8 inches since reliable record keeping began in 1880. It is projected to rise another 1 to 8 feet by 2100. This is the result of added water from melting land ice and the expansion of seawater as it warms. This is incredible dangerous because it increases the levels of flooding that might occur in places that experience frequent rain fall.

ANALYSIS: This article was written by Holly Shantel, Susan Callery and Daniel Bailey is written incredible well. The topic was well explained and the evidence used to support was clear and thrust worthy. This article is a trust worthy because it was published on the official NASA website under authors with scientifically experienced backgrounds . The intended audience is for anyone who wants to learn about the state/conditions of the earth. The article is written in an academy tone but was also written under a serious tone. Overall the article leaves you with information that makes you raise more questions about how we live as a society.


RESPONSE: The article is was informative, engaging and overall good to read. The writers did an amazing job in providing evidence to support they claim and explaining the issues. However, I would have liked for a thorough explaining on what some of the effects were. Additionally the article failed to include information as to ways people can help solve the issue of climate change.




The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof

Rosen, Julia. “The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof.” The New York Times, 19 Apr. 2021, www.nytimes.com/article/climate-change-global-warming-faq.html.

SUMMARY: This article thoroughly explains the history of climate change, the history of climate and scientific research that prove the causes and effects of climate change affects, both long-term and short term as long as;  countries that have the heaviest contribution to climate change. The article explains that climate change has been an issue for over a century and each year since the affects of climate change have become more and more present.  In order to prove that climate change was created by humans . There was an experiment of the atmosphere before and after greenhouse gases that were let into the atmosphere.  During this experiment polytans increased by 2.2 percent .  Furthermore, it stated the effects climate change, highlighting, the certain causes such as the melting of glaciers the burring of wild live in Austria.

ANALYSIS: This article was written by Julian Rosen. This article is a trust worthy article because it was published on the official New York Times website. The intended audience is for anyone who sparks interest in the topic.  The article carries an academic/informational tone.

REPONSE: The article is written serious tone because of the type information that is given.  I would tell the writers that they did an amazing job. They did well in thoroughly explain what climate change is,  where it came from and the steps we can take to make to reducing it.


Yes, There Has Been Progress on Climate. No, It’s Not Nearly Enough.

Plumer, Brad, and Nadja Popovich. “Yes, There Has Been Progress on Climate. No, It’s Not Nearly Enough.” The New York Times, 25 Oct. 2021, www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/10/25/climate/world-climate-pledges-cop26.html.

SUMMARY: Due to the rapid growth in clean energy. Humanity has started to bend the emissions curve. Current policies put us on pace for roughly “3 degrees Celsius of warming by 2100 — a better result, but still devastating”. Humans have so far warmed the planet 1.1 degrees Celsius “(2 degrees Fahrenheit) since preindustrial times, mainly by burning coal, oil and gas for energy”, and by cutting down forests, which help absorb the planet-warming emissions created by fossil fuel use.  The effect of climate change can be seen currently. This year alone, blistering heat waves killed hundreds of people in the Pacific Northwest, floods devastated Germany and China, and wildfires raged out of control in Siberia, Turkey and California. Although the effects of climate change is still present, new research from scientists at Climate Action Tracker, a research group, regularly scrutinize all the climate and energy policies that countries have enacted worldwide. They then estimate the effect of these policies on future greenhouse gas emissions and calculate how much of a temperature increase the world can expect. The result shows that there is still an alarming rate of work to be done, but there is hope that we can still heal the planet.

ANALYSIS:   This article was great at explaining all these issue and creating information that was easy to follow. This article was written in an informative tone. This article is from a trust worthy sauce because it was publish in the New York times by the writers Plumer, Brad, and Nadja Popovich. It is also written in with an academic intent.

RESPONSE: This article takes a optimistic approach explaining that the effects of climate change can still be seen and felt. However we are slowing making progress with the introducing of clean energy such solar paneling, geothermal energy and Bioenergy. These new forms of clean energy, helps to  create a clean and healthy environment and the more often these forms of energy is used the more affordable it will be come.


Why don’t we cover the desert with solar panels? (Ted Talk )

Dan, Kwartler. “Why Don’t We Cover the Desert with Solar Panels?” .October 8 2021 ”Www.youtube.com, www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcLlpWmEpQ8″.

SUMMARY: This video by Dan kwartler. It answers the questions as to why don’t we cover the entire the Sahara desert with solar panels.  Solar panels are a great way to get energy efficiently through the sun. This video informs views that doing so would be a bad idea, this is because the Sahara desert receives  more sunlight that the world entire human population.  if solar panels were to be put all over the desert, the panels will receive more heat that light rays, which would rapidly damage the solar panels and the installation of wild wind turbines will be extremally expensive. However using  reflective mirrors to reflect at each other and then reflect back on an energy source will be a great.   This allows the heat to be turned into light rays and its also more efficient because there will still be energy left that can be transferred at night because it takes a while for them to cool.

ANALYSIS: The video was by Dan Kwartler. Its is trust worthy because it was published on the official Ted talk official YouTube channel. This video was make for anyone who had an interest in the things that affect the world. The video was make under a playful but yet information tone.

RESPONSE: I loved how they explained what climate change is and also appreciate the sources that put at the end for people to get involved if they choose to.


1 Comment

  1. Prof. Edelson

    Excellent work. Thorough research. Your writing is clear and your ideas make sense. Your sources are reliable. Thank you,
    Prof. Edelson

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