Throughout my life there have been many turning points in my education since I moved to America from Pakistan. it was hard for me to go through these times, but Ii feel like if I didn’t go through these points in my life, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. these points played a huge role in my life and everything turned out okay in the end . Some of those turning points have been because of language barriers, distractions, procrastination and peer pressure. But the worst and most impactful turning point in my educational life was in my Sophomore year at James Madison High School. This year was really hard for me and this experience changed me a lot. This impacted me mentally a lot. its because of these reasons that I’m able to be better than I was before and am now where I am.

           There are two turning points that affected my education a lot.  The first one was when I moved from Pakistan to America. I didn’t understand the language and had a lot of trouble in school. I couldn’t understand what the teacher was saying to me so it was very hard to understand what she was teaching.  Also because of the language barrier, I couldn’t speak English and didn’t make many friends. also I was used to learning in Pakistan, where the studies were much easier and when came the study was much harder.  but things got easier for me when my class changed and and I went into the new class, I started understand basic  words of English and there I met some of my best friends today that helped me translate my language Urdu to English which made it a lot easier for me to understand what the teacher was saying and helped me do work better and do better in class. if my friends didn’t help me out at that time I’m pretty sure I wasn’t going to understand anything in school and it would have been a lot harder for me.

The turning point in my education was that I was  failing many Classes such as history and English  in high school as a Sophomore student. I had a lot of trouble with writing in English class and history class when we had to do essays and I dint really care about classes because I hadn’t failed a class as of that year and had no idea that I would fail. it was crazy when I found out, I was so shocked about my grades, I thought that I could just fool around and everything would still be fine. . My English teacher would give us a lot of essays and it was very hard for me since I was used to procrastinating, I would wait until the last minute to my essays and when the last minute came and I started my work, I would notice that this is too much work. also when I found out that this was too much to be done at the moment I would give up or I would just write the assignments rushed or I would just forget about it.  and I would often skip class .I didn’t really care about my grades at that time, I was distracted by other things that weren’t good for me. I would skip class and go hang out with my Friends in the hallways, some big part that messed me up was peer pressure, when I saw a lot of my friends weren’t going to class, I would do the same with them. if I tried to go back on track and start attending classes they would stop me from going and that was a big reason for my failure. I knew I messed up when it was too Late, after we had gotten our semester grades. I understood that I made a mistake and I needed to do better when my parents found out about this and everyone was disappointed In me. This was a really important event to me because at that time I was going down a bad road that was gonna mess up my life but I got back up and tried harder and started going to class and paying attention. After that I got good grades the next semester and passed. Everyone was proud of me and I was really happy and now that happiness is what’s leading me to doing better in school and trying my best to graduate college and get a good job in the future.

Now, I feel like I’ve become a better student and a better person and I’m trying my best to accomplish all my dreams. This turning point in my life was a lesson for me to see how life is if I mess around and am not careful.  these turning points were really important and had a big impact on me, but everything turned out okay. I feel like these turning points helped me be the person I am today.