Elementary school had always been very easy for me. Teachers had always told me how mature I was for my age, I never really understood what it meant but I assumed it was good. I always had a few friends in my class and usually every year the kids in class mostly stayed the same. I always was at an advanced reading level so reading easily became something I liked to do. A big majority of my school was hispanic, and Chinese. This was the cause for my class having an after school of Spanish class all the way until 4 o clock. We had a lot of cultural celebrations too, because of how diverse my school was. I remember all these celebrations being a very big part of the fun we all had in school. During the warmer months the staff would open up the playground so we could have recess during lunch. That part was always really fun. I can’t remember any of the actual educational parts standing out to me, except for always being really bad at math. It was never fun to me so I couldn’t really make any lasting memories from that. I didn’t even really ever enjoy school.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How to read like a writer

Bunn, Mike. “How to Read Like A Writer.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 2

I believe the main idea was to find your target audience. To find your target you have to know how to write in a way that will catch the attention of who you are trying to write for. The writing should feel relatable and easy to understand to the audience. Using writing techniques that will appeal to the audience is also important. When you are writing you should be able to picture yourself in the readers position.  People read to learn “You are reading to see how something was constructed so that you can construct something similar yourself.” This reading has taught me to always keep my target audience in mind while writing.