My first week of college was slightly confusing but also easy to figure out. Getting to know all my teachers and al the different sites we use for classwork and assignments was hard at first but I’ve gotten used to it. It was hard to figure out my schedule especially since I had a scheduling conflict involving two of my classes. It was resolved though and now hopefully everything will run more smoothly for me. I still have not attended one of my classes because my Professor has been having technical difficulties. The class is about fashion so I am excited to finally attend. All of my classes are online so it is kind of sad that I have not received the real first day of college experience that I really would have liked to have. Hopefully by my next semester some things will have changed and ill be able to at least go to some of my classes in person. My first week of college nonetheless went pretty smoothly and all of my Professors seem very nice and easygoing. It’s also nice that they all seem very willing to help or repeat themselves when needed, I have not had many teachers like this in the past. College has brought up some thoughts of anxiety that I often struggle with but I’ve learned to just take it a day at a time and do the best I can. I have high hopes for the rest of this semester. So far the classes I’ve found to like the most is this English class and my marketing class.


Was working for apple the most dreadful job I’ve had? Some may disagree but I think yes.

The pay was horrible.