My first year of collage was pretty daunting at first since, like most people, this a completely new experience. I had spent a lot of time on my first day looking for what room my classes were since, at the time, I was unfamiliar with structure of the school and was left wondering which buildings were which. Luckily, I had foreseen an issue like this occurring so I had arrived an hour before my first class began. Once I had stepped into my first class, a lot of my concerns had been blown away because most of my professors were very outgoing and reassuring, probably because they knew that most of the students present were first years

My Job At An Apple Plant

The thesis statement of the essay is “But none of these jobs was as dreadful as my job in an apple plant” referring to how despite working many different jobs, each with varying levels of effort and danger, his job at the apple plant was by far the worst

  1. The first supporting paragraph revolves around how taxing the job at the apple farm was
  2. The second supporting paragraph was about how the pay in relation the the work done was abysmal
  3. The third supporting paragraph explained the horrible working conditions were at the apple plant