I am both excited and nervous to present my research. Excited because this topic is something that I have thought about before I decided to even pick this as my research topic for project 2. I am nervous because in my research I am opposing a popular idea, so I had to really dig deep to find materials that support my take. However, I believe I did a good job in coming up with valid points that can at least change someone’s perspective on electric cars. My goal however, isn’t to talk down on electric vehicles but to show people the truth behind electric cars that the automobile industry tries to cover up. I hope everyone who reads up on my research can learn something new and be aware of how electric vehicles can also negatively impact our environment. Moreover, I also collected one source which discusses the cost efficiency of electric vehicles, just to add some more depth. I am not at all against the uprising of electric vehicles, but I believe that the industry still has a lot of room for improvement, and they should be honest about their work. I’m not a fan of how corporates think they can feed people lies just to make more money. In my opinion, claiming that electric cars are environmental friendly and has no downside is sort of like a false advertisement.