It is undeniable that the Covid-19 pandemic changed the entire dynamic of people’s everyday lives. Starting from workplaces, schools and colleges, hospitals and other public facilities, Covid-19 has changed how people interact. Personally, Covid-19 had both positive and negative impacts in my life. Starting with the positive, when quarantine was first mandated I took it as an opportunity to learn a few skills, focus on my physical health, and staying connected with loved ones even more. I remember trying to cook my meals and trying new recipes. I realized that I have a huge interest in cooking. Moreover, I started following a workout routine at home, which resulted in me feeling more fit and energetic. Last but not the least, the tragedy of the pandemic pushed me to get in touch with my family and friends even more. I found myself checking in with people that I used to barely talk to before.

Apart from the positives, the pandemic had some negative impacts on me as well. The most obvious one being, that it turned me into a “homebody”. It also affected my work ethic, since I was out from work for a very long time. Going back, the transition wasn’t very smooth. In regards of education, Zoom school was not my forte. I preferred the in-person lectures and interactions. Therefore, it turned me into a sloppy student. I started to procrastinate even more. Another bad habit that I acquired was an irregular sleep cycle, which negatively impacted my physical, and mental health. I started to feel more depressed and lacked motivation to get things done. Lastly, I picked up a very unhealthy diet. Because I was home all the time, I used to eat very frequently which made it very difficult to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. It was the toughest habit to reverse.