I have had quite a turbulent journey in terms of my life of education. I have had ups, downs, highlights and missteps in terms of everything that had

happened. There have been quite a few turning points in my life as it has been quite a rough experience considering who I am as a person and the type of

feelings I possess, and when school is involved, it has been quite a tough journey for me. Due to my difficulties with life, work and sometimes others, it was

also like a bumpy road that I had to go through. I had a few school moments where I was satisfied with my life and I had quite a few that I was not too

proud of. Things were pretty mixed to say the least.

          In terms of education, it can be described as a rough journey as a whole. I tend to be quite forgetful due to my high autism spectrum and it can take a

while for me to understand things in life. I was rather different in terms of a person from others.  I was an easily anxious and agitated person which is why

art is the perfect subject for me as I found it relaxing and something that I can have fun with and calm me down. Due to who I was, I was not the greatest

at writing before. I didn’t really do too much reading as I always found it to be boring, uninteresting and sometimes pointless. I always liked to rush

through things due to my personality and always wanting to get things over with, not realizing I was making mistakes. It causes me to be frustrated

because that means I would have to do it again and I would constantly learn the lesson to take my time when it comes to my writing and planning things

out. I do better when it comes to typing as I am not the best when it comes to handwriting. 

          Back when I was in A-Tech High School, I did have an ELA teacher named Ms. Canale for 9th and 11th grade. Out of all of the teachers in high school,

she was one of the only ones I was the closest to the most in the whole school. She did manage to make ELA easy for me to understand. In class, we often

read aloud together and she would often help me when I was having trouble with it. Her assignments were usually not very hard and I was able to do

alright in them. At times, we would often work in groups and collaborate more if we were having trouble. Ms. Canale was easily one of the teachers I

enjoyed the most and of the one of the teachers who always guided and supported me the most. She would not penalize me whenever I was late (which

was rare). She always knows that I try my best despite who I am when it comes to my reading and writing and always tries to help me whenever I can. She

was one of the few people I was quite comfortable with in the school because I do have a tendency to have social anxiety and it was largely because of her,

I was able to overcome that. I could not be more grateful and ask for a better ELA teacher than her.

           In terms of actual reading, I never really got into it. Due to my young age, I tend to be quite energetic and impatient, and on occasions quite lazy and

can easily be bored or uninterested. I always like to rush and get things down and don’t stop to slow down, which leads to my downfall. In ELA classes,

when I was in middle school, they were very boring. I would never argue, but I did struggle to read. Underlining important key words and information did

help me a bit however, as I was able to find important keywords in the text more easily. I was fairly decent overall, because underlining was able to save

me for the most part. I still was not the best when it came to quizzes, but I still tried my best. When I came to high school, at first I started out the same.

But, largely thanks to Ms. Canale, I was able to get use to reading. I still did not like it, but I still tried my best with the prospect of it. She made reading a

little more interesting for me, understanding my strengths and weaknesses. Due to me also not understanding when something is read to me quickly, the

class would usually either read at their own pace or read together slowly and talk about certain things that occur in the articles. I actually like her class

and I did appreciate reading slightly. While it is still not my favorite subject, I do tolerate it, much more than math by a longshot.

          In conclusion, when it comes to reading, whether at home or outside of home like school, I find it to be not very interesting. Due to me being always

so energetic and impatient, but at the same time, lazy and somewhat moody, I tend to not care when it comes to reading. I find it to just be a boring and

tedious process I can’t really seem to comprehend. Thanks to my ELA teacher, Ms. Canale, I have warmed up to reading a little regardless, and it should

come as no surprise that when you get out into the real world, you have to learn how to know how to read. If you don’t know how to read, getting a job

may not be so easy. This realization has made me have respect for reading, even if I don’t really like it. Reading is something anyone has to deal with and

come across when it comes to life and I am no exception to it. Reading is an important part of life, and I have learned that while you may not like

something, sometimes you have to deal with it.