i like the beach but dont love it. i only really go to the beach once a twice a year and thats it. usually i go to the beach during the summer (duh), but i actually went this past march to the beach and it was really nice but cold. me and my friend just walked around and admired the waves and collected some rocks and shells. im not sure it was just a different vibe to it than going durng the summer. maybe because there was barley any people around? we could only hear the waves crashing and not loud obnoxious music from another group? but i love the warmth from the sun and the warm sand on my feet, even though i hate walking in sand. during the summer when me and my friend went we just chilled out for 4 hours and it was so nice. we got there before a lot of other people did and just relaxed. im actually surprised i dont go to the beach more often considering i live on long island. but i really hate the heat. the day we went in the summer it was 75 and i think perfect weather for a beach day. i wasnt so sweaty that i couldnt relax or do anything like it was just perfect. thats why i never understod when people from my high school went on the hottest day of the week? like that has got to be horrible just laying there all sweaty. and i know they all just go to tan so literally why? i also am scared of the ocean so i never went in. i just hate fish and just a lot of sea creatures in general especially the ones that are in the deep deep sea, they are so horrifying. recently i found out we have only explored very little of our ocean??? it was between 10% to 30%, that is so insane and scary.


Subject – Verb AgreementDirections: Circle the correct verb in the following sentences. If you have a doubt about the correct verb, refer to the clues on the following page.

  1. The rhythm of the pounding waves are calming.
  2. All of the dogs in the neighborhood were  barking.
  3. A high tax, not to mention unemployment, influences votes.
  4. My friends and my mother like  each other.
  5. The team and the band  were on the field.
  6. Building a good marriage and building a good log fire  are similar in many ways.
  7. John or Doris write to us regularly.
  8. Neither Carol nor Ted  are excluded from the meeting.
  9. Either Patty or Tom  were asked to lead the meeting.
  10. Neither the basket nor the apples  were expensive.
  11. Neither the apples nor the basket were expensive
  12. Either Maria or you was late for class.
  13. Either you or Maria were late for class.
  14. Hardest hit by the high temperatures and the drought were the farmers.
  15. Neither of them likes  going to the show.
  16. Each of them  have a good seat.
  17. Everybody in the class has  tickets.
  18. Every silver knife, fork, and spoon has  to be counted.
  19. Each cat and each dog has its own toy.
  20. The committee is  meeting today.
  21. Ten million gallons of oil is  a lot of oil.
  22. The jury votes today.
  23. The number is very small.
  24. A number of students were absent.
  25. Ten million gallons of oil were spilled.
  26. The majority of us are in favor.
  27. Statistics is an interesting subject. Statistics are often misleading.
  28. The sheep stray when the gate is left open. Sheep stray  when the gate is left open.

article- climate change -https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/16/opinion/degrowth-cllimate-change.html?searchResultPosition=7