
Free Write:

Elementary school. I don’t remember much from elementary school, but the memories i do have arent the best. But i’ll start with the good first. In kindergarten, i made a friend and we used to play princesses based on what color our shirt was. And i loved my teacher. But then at the end of the year my friend moved away 🙁 then in first grade i actually made my first long time friend. And, just want to warn you, i will be talking about vomit. I got extra cocoa puffs for lunch that day, i was so happy. But then, later on when we were doing a math worksheet, i felt sick and i raised my hand. But my teacher said give me one second. That second was very bad. I turned to my right, and threw up on this girl. I had no idea who she was. But i got her sent home because she was covered in vomit, and then we were best friends. And she still is my friend, and im so happy i still remember how we became friends. Then a whole lot of nothing happened till 5th grade, 5th grade was not good. Its when i had to be taken out of the class everyday to go to resource, because i had a reading disability or learning disability. 


Bunn, Mike. “How to Read Like A Writer.” 

Writing Spaces: 

Readings on Writing, Volume 2


In the first couple of paragraphs, he talks a little about his job and realized that everything he reads while at his job, every word in the book has so much thought into it. So he decided to do the same! The second section of the piece (pages 72 and 73)talks about the goal of reading in writing, and trying to figure out what their goal as the writer was, their technique, and why. The next page (74), it shows examples of reading, and examining every detail like someone with an intricate job.  The next few ages talk about what to think about or expect before reading the piece. For example, the genre, published or student written. The next section (page 79-81) are questions to ask as and when you are reading and what you should be writing as you are reading.