I remember elementary school being so peaceful and carefree, I did nothing but simple worksheets and answering random textbook questions, and learning about new things everyday and not sticking to one topic. I was an excellent student due to everything being pretty simply but I still hated ELA because of how much I had to write. I also remember having to practice for the state tests every year and staying hours after school just to do extra practice even though I don’t think it was that serious. Thankfully my elementary school offered middle school so I didn’t have to worry about transitioning to a new building or meeting new people. The best part of those years was definitely recess though. One thing I just remembered about was having a few days off from school because of Hurricane Sandy and only thinking of it as a mini vacation even though it was a really serious hurricane.

Bunn, Mike. “How to Read Like A Writer.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 2

“How to Read like A Writer” is basically Bunn explaining his reasoning as to why he wanted to right his essay but making it several points within it. He introduces the idea that “All writing consists of a series of choices”.