This first week of college has been stressful, as it’s very difficult to get use to certain websites. Openlabs is very confusing and I don’t even know if I’m writing in the correct section? I also don’t know what to write and there’s definitely a lot more pressure on the things you write as apparently your classmates can view and comment on your posts. It’s also difficult adjusting to the class times as I’m not use to sitting at a desk and staring at my screen for two hours, and it makes it hard for me to actually understand the things I am trying to learn. I wish we were in person but then I think about the amount of time it takes me to get on campus and I’d much rather stay at home. I completely slacked off during my senior year of HS so I hope those bad habits do not transition over to college.


The thesis statement is “The work was physically hard; the pay was poor; and, most of all, the working conditions were dismal.

First Paragraph: “The job made enormous demands on my strength and energy” and it further explains the examples of how they had to use their strength to lift heavy objects for multiple hours at a time.

Second Paragraph: “I would have not minded the difficulty of the work…if the pay had not been so poor…paid the minimum wage” Further explains how much work had to be done and for the extreme hours worked, yet only took home less than $100.

Third Paragraph: “what upset me about my apple plant job was the working conditions” Explains how the worker dealt with the extreme demand of strength and energy, as well as the very poor pay, but could not stand the poor working conditions when it came to his supervisor only caring about the production and not putting any consideration on the worker’s health and conditions.
