So far my college experience has been good. I am loving the experience that I have had this past week. I feel very happy attending my classes and taking notes. Although, taking classes through zoom is not really that much of a big deal for me, it would definitely have been amazing if I were able to take these exact classes, but in person. I find taking classes in person a bit more engaging and adds to the whole college experience. However, I really do love how some of my classes record their lessons and post it on blackboard. I find that to be a really amazing thing my professors do as it allows you too look back on things you might have missed. So far all of my classes have been light. I have not been assigned too much work and that really helps out. I am very glad that all my professors are really helpful and patience because that means that I won’t get stressed or any of that. Personally, I find that teachers who aren’t patient can put a lot of stress on me. I feel that I need to be able to master whatever it is I am learning because if I don’t, it means that I have to ask and try to understand it, but what doesn’t help is that it usually takes a bit for me to learn a topic that I don’t full understand the first time.

My job at an Apple Plant

Thesis statement: “But none of these jobs was as dreadful as my job in an apple plant.”.

First paragraph: Work was physically hard. His work took an enormous amount of physical strength every night.

Second paragraph: Paycheck did not suit the work he was doing. It sucked that he worked very hard to be earning the bare minimum.

Third paragraph: Supervisor did not care about work conditions. Very unsafe.