Aug 10, 2021 : Free Write – First week of college

First week of school, hmmm, I’d say it’s been a decent and exciting week as I’m now planning to take school more seriously then I had before. I didn’t do so well my last semester and didn’t take school too seriously. So to make a difference I began to pre-organize all of my classes and give myself a pre understanding of all my subjects w/ what was in the syllabus as well as outside research to further support my understanding of such new topics. I decided to add my classes to a calendar for the first time, made a huge task board thingy with different rows that have moving cards to help me organize my work. I pre-planned doing most of my assignments the day of and not when it’s due, although that sometimes doesn’t go as planned haha.

As for already attending, I believe I’m enjoying myself and all of my professors seem like calm and cool people w/ a drive to teach others, and not just express their greed of money in exchange for time. *Cough* Two of my last professors. *Cough* I also pre developed my own dashboard with quick links to class, which is currently on version 4. I will most likely change it a bit soon.

Photo of my Dashboard, kinda like a bookmark bar every time you open a new tab. (I have no clue how to attach images so here’s a link to it:  )