One of the things that I want to learn from this class is the ability to more easily transfer my thoughts onto paper. One of my major challenges when writing is that I spend to much time in my head thinking about words that will properly express my thoughts. I tend to reread my sentences over and over, often resulting in me changing the sentence midway to something completely different from what I started with. As a result, it was always difficult for me to write essays since I be making constant changes to what I write and, often times, would become slightly frustrated with myself. With all that being said, I am also fully aware that I’m probably just being hard on myself and that I am definitely a better writer then I was before.


As far as my past experiences with English classes, despite it being my least favorite subject in highschool, a lot of my past teachers have definitely made me a better writer. My 11th and 12th grade English teachers were some of the teachers who helped improve my writing the most because they saw how I would get stuck and offer advice in a way that not only help me translate my thoughts but also help me in the future if i ever encounter the same issue.