English Composition II

Category: Weekly Assignments (Page 9 of 66)

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I went online and found multiple videos that can explain global warming and explain how we can help address the issue. Also many people have been interviewed on this topic so i will use this to my advantage when writing my essay.

Week 7 Day 1 Jayden Baird

As I stated in my previous writing Global Warming is a major topic that we shouldn’t just brush to the side.  I came across another New York Times article that helps show us how important it is to keep the earth safe it is called ” 5 Takeaways From the U.N Report on Global Warming” in this article a reporter goes on to say “nations are not doing enough to prevent global warming from increasing to dangerous levels within the lifetime of most people on earth today” this is true but as I read on there are ways that we can limit global warming.  There are steps that people can take and that the government can take that will not cost that much money. In the article it states ” the reporters look at a host of other changes to societies that could reduce emissions, including more energy-efficient buildings, more recycling and more white collar work going remote and virtual”” These changes do not have to be economy-dampening chores, the report emphasizes. some, like better public transit and more walkable urban areas have benefits for air pollution and overall well being” This shows that we can take action little by little and help earth. we do not need to always burn fossil fuels and use cars.

WEEK 6 Jayden Baird

Global warming is a very important topic that people should learn and speak about more. climate change is something that happens naturally, but as years go on humans have made climate change unnatural by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas which produces heat. In the New York Times article “Warning on Mass Extinction of Sea Life: An Oh My God Moment”  scientist have said “marine extinction risk from climate warming” These scientist have been researching this topic for many years and want to explain what might happen in the upcoming centuries. In the article the scientist state that ” under the high emissions scenario that the scientist modeled, in which pollution from the burning of fossil fuels continues to climb, warming would trigger ocean species loss by 2,300 that was on par with the five mass extinctions in earths past. The last of these wiped out the dinosaurs.” one of the worst extinctions in earths history came 250 million years ago. It is known as the “great dying”  it claimed more than 90 percent of species in the oceans. The cause of so many ocean species dying was global warming, triggered by volcanic eruption,. The ocean lost oxygen, and many fish were succumbed to heat stress. This shows how important it is to not speed up the process of global warming. There are many ways us as people can limit global warming, such as saving energy at home, we can start walking to some places or even biking, whatever we can do to save earth.

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