English Composition II

Author: Prof. Edelson (Page 6 of 9)

Week 5 : Feb 28-March 4


 1). Your rough draft should be posted to Open Lab.

2) You should have commented on at least 2 other people’s rough drafts giving them specific feedback by answering the questions posted for you last week.

3) Type up any corrections to your work and have it polished and ready to go!  Submit it before the ned of the week. Title it UNIT ONE FINAL DRAFT and categorize it under UNIT 1.

Great job!

Now we move on to your next project– UNIT TWO.  I want to give you plenty of time to work on this one, so we are starting as you polish up Unit One.

Remember, very important.  Unit 2 is NOT a paper, it is a project.  You will not be Turing in a paper full of research at the end.  Instead, you will have analyzed articles and other sources that relate to your topic in a very specific way.

Read about the project here:


First and foremost, answer these questions to decide what you want to research.

  • What I know a lot about is:
  • What I’m passionate about is :
  • What I start Googling when I have nothing better to do is :
  • I would go crazy if someone told me I had to stop doing:
  • What makes me really angry is:


WRITE: Using your answers to these questions, you can now narrow down your “beat.” What, out of these answers, leads you to a topic you might be able to write about? Write 200 or so words about this topic (or the topics you’re choosing between) —tell us what makes you specifically qualified to write about this topic—and what more you feel you’ll have to research to write about it well. Also, start thinking about what specific story about this topic you’ll want to focus on!


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