I think it’s important to have multimodal component in writing classes because it helps the writer create a better visual for the audience. What multimodality mean to me is it’s a way that you are able to expression a meaning not in one way but in many different ways. At the moment my specific plans for Unit 3 are to create a video where its adding text, images and even sound for the background. The multimodal component will help reach the audience because people have different ways of getting their attention so adding a bit of different things and not just staying with one way would Definity help attract the audience.
Author: Kobe (Page 3 of 8)
Beforehand I had a little understanding of my topic but the most important thing that I’ve learned in this unit two research is that when doing this research, I were able to get an understand of different point of views and also be a little more informed instead of hearing what others had to say. For example, I would always hear that the women U.S soccer national team would have a huge wage between the males U.S soccer team but never really research how huge it really was.
Out of the five groups mentioned in the Unit three assignment sheet I would have to say that an activist group would have to know about my unit project the most because it a movement that could not be just based off of genders, but it can be for everyone and be an example on how sometimes it isn’t fair for one another, so everyone should be treated equally.
The way I feel it would be best to reach this group is by creating a video essay. The reason this is the best medium for the message is because I feel like now in days if people see things with words, they will barely read it or just skim through it where is if it’s a video it could be a 2–5-minute short video and wouldn’t take much time but it yet would give enough information where people are able to have an understanding.
Reflecting back to my Unit 2 article what I would have to say that I did well on is describing the idea/topic and gathering information. Furthermore, but what I wish I would have done better was maybe not just stick to the U.S national soccer team males and females’ problem but bring in different examples of how people aren’t treated equally. What I will do to improve upon my final portfolio is trying to structure the essay better.
U.S.A National Team
Kobe Baltazar
At one point in life everyone who was into sports such Basketball, baseball, football, and soccer wanted to make it big, in other words wanted to become a professional athlete. But what if you were put in a position where you are knowing that the opposite gender is having preference despite on your accomplishments? Not to mention, the U.S women soccer team has faced a problem similar to it where’s they weren’t rewarded equal as the males who are in the U.S soccer team.
With that being said Soccer is more than a sport. In fact, it’s a job where people have to depend on to be able to provide for their family. Even though many may not see what’s going outside the pitch they should be able to get knowledge on what’s really happening. On the fact that people aren’t being treated equally. Many may complain that males seem to pull more streams which should led them to more money but in reality, the sport of soccer males and females both have the same objective in which is to get on the pitch to play and give the people an entertaining match.
In the U.S people seem have a dispute on the United States nation soccer team based on curtain circumstances of the wages that are given to the males compared to the wages that are given to the females. For example, in February 22,2022 Andrew Das writes a statement from the Goalkeeper of the female nation team. “The numbers speak for themselves,” Solo said, though U.S. Soccer immediately disputed them. Men’s players, Solo said, “get paid more to just show up than we get paid to win major championships.” In other words, Andre Das is getting to hear out people point of view based on the debate. While many people have different point of view, what Solo means by “the number speak for themselves” is that it makes one wonder is it really fair that the females can accomplishes more tittles than the males but yet still get paid less than the males.
The U.S women National soccer team have won about 16 titles in total. Such as the Olympic, Concacaf, and the mostly known which is the World Cup. Out of those 16 titles 4 of them are wins from the World cup, where 32 nations around the world face one another to see who lifts the title. Where is for the males, they have only had 7 titles in total and all those tittles have only been won in the Concacaf tournament. So, there honestly shouldn’t a preference because both seem to bring eyes that just lead to help build up their team. If anything, the women deserve a raise where it’s to match the males’ wages because they have accomplished many things.
Its stunning just to know the difference between the way a male and female would earn averagely in soccer. Many female players from the U.S nation team have decided to speak out in an interview where they talk about the wage caps. In the interview with NBC its states that “28 members of the U.S women national team alleging they were paid less than 1/3 of the men’s team bonuses.”
According to The New York Times Magazine Lizzy Goodman published an article about the right of equal pay for U.S Women soccer team. For example, Goodman talks about the huge wage gaps between a male and female. In Goodman article it states that “If a male and a female national team player each played 20 exhibition games in a year, members of the men’s squad would have earned an average of $263,320, while members of the women’s squad would have earned a maximum of $99,000.” Basically, in the industry of soccer a male and female can both do the same thing, but there will be a little twist because the males are the one who to seem to be the favorite. In addition, the sport soccer is meant to bring people together not to leave people out. People shouldn’t have to feel that there less worthy based off their gender. Now it’s just worth questioning how would you feel if you were in their shoes?
Overall, it’s always great to speak up because it helps encourage others to speak up and not only that, but it could possible help bring up what you are speaking about to existence. Take this for example, this isn’t just a matter of women who love to play the sport but it’s for everyone all around the world. It is showcasing that you shouldn’t feel trapped and left out. But you should speak up and fight for what you think it’s right.
Photo Source: https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/07/football/womens-world-cup-final-uswnt-netherlands-spt-intl/index.html
Article Source: The Best Women’s Soccer Team in the World Fights for Equal Pay – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Article Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/u-s-women-s-soccer-team-equal-pay-settlement-sets-ncna1290309
Article Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/22/sports/soccer/us-womens-soccer-equal-pay.html
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