When Mike Bunn says “You are already an author” in his article, “How to Read Like a Writer”,  I believe he is referring to the writing that we do every day. This can be in the form of a text message, an email, homework, or posting in social media such as Twitter or Instagram. When texting my family and friends, sometimes I tell them about something interesting that happened to me, and I find myself writing out multiple text messages telling that story. In these text messages I tend to provide details about what happened in order for them to understand. I also send out emails for many reasons such as keeping communication with my manager at work or my professors in school. In school I must write when doing class assignments. When posting something in social media, the post is of my opinions and that makes it original. In this sense, this is what makes us authors.

Bunn’s article had some good ideas that I would like to try in my own writing and readings. I liked when he said that as we read, we should identify the choices made by the author so that way we can understand how such choices may arise in our own writing. That way we can understand how a piece of writing came together and how the author made that decision. When writing, we may stumble upon roadblocks that the author probably also encountered. But if we learn to read as an author when we write it may be easier to tackle those roadblocks and writing may become easier to us.