Annotations for  “The Maker’s Eye” by Donald Murray 


Reflections for Unit 1:

After having spent some time away from my writing, I definitely noticed a lot of contradictions and “errors” in my writing. It’s a great start but can be shaped in a better way to tell a story I want to share. There are parts where I didn’t elaborate details that would’ve helped bring my story together. I also  didn’t include segments of the events I discussed that would have made my story flow better. To begin with, I’ll start editting my introduction. I want to add more on the etymology of the word and share stories and background of it. There are also some word choices I want to alter because it will certainly convey the message much better. Additionally, my third paragraph can be elaborated and more “personal”. Perhaps at the time I found the topic rather sensitive (my ED), but I find that I don’t necessarily need to be specific, but I shouldn’t be vague either.