The most important thing I learned from my research is that the sport of cycling is highly underrated and not valued in the same way as other sports. This seems unfortunate because it is a sport that brings a lot to our being, not only satisfaction when exercising and being able to lose weight, but also going to unknown places where the bicycle takes us. Most of the athletes who are recognized internationally, such as Nairo Quintana or Egan Bernal, took a passion for this sport since the bike was their only means of transport to go places or go to buy food in the square. Market. Of the five groups, I am still not sure which one I would choose, but so far, I am deciding on city tech freshmen since they are young students with all the energy in the world who are in a stage of exploration, and what better way than a different sport the which brings a lot to us. The best way to get closer to this group would be through an article or magazine that narrates inspiring stories of athletes and all the feelings that sport itself has given them on a personal and professional level. I think I did well more than all my knowledge regarding the subject, especially since it was something that I practiced for several years in my country. It helps me be a healthy person, and what I feel I should improve is to try to do the projects not so personal but more informative.