Brandan Ramnandan

  • What kind of opening does the article use? Is it effective as a hook? Yes the opening is related to lebron and him saying he’s open to rejoining cleveland.


  • Where is the first little bit of research? How does it support the author’s initial point? The research is using different interviews from the past and present to see how LeBron and his comments towards free agency usually come to fruition.


  • Where is the nut graf? Is it before or after the initial research? Do we know what the writer is going to be talking about from here on — what the main point is? The nut graf is after the research and after I found evidence to support my view.


  • In the body of the article, where and how does the author use research (give an example)? 

He uses research when he references LeBron’s comments made in his All Star Game Interview.

  • In the body of the article, where does the author use personal information, if at all (give an example)? Does it help tie the article together or does it hurt? He uses personal info when speaking about the chances he believes this move to cleveland can happen and he mentions LeBron would probably have to take a pay cut which he doesn’t see happening.


  • How are individual paragraphs structured (do the paragraphs follow PIE structure? Do they each have one main point? How to they lead into each other, etc) Each paragraph is based off of a supporting piece of evidence, for example, LeBrons comments would be above and then the paragraph would discuss it and the chances of it being likely.


  • Where and how does the author use images (give two examples)? Are they data/information graphics? Are they decorative images? What do they add to the article?

They use images in the beginning of the page to showcase the player and team they are talking about, it’s a photo of LeBron in his Lakers Uniform.

  • What kind of conclusion does the author use? Circle back to the initial paragraph/idea? Advice and tips? Impactful quote? Call to action? Does it leave a strong impression? He closes it by leaving a discussion, NBA fans will be excited to see where LeBron lands. It leaves a strong impression because it’s makes the fans now involved and wondering exactly where LeBron might go.