English Composition II

Week 7 Day 2

For my feild research I will be interviewing my grandmother on what skincare was like in her times and try to compare it with contemporary approaches. I will also be looking through academic journals for primary sources, such as photos of the Ebru Papyrus which consists of the inscriptions of medical uses in the past.

Source: Academic Journal

What kinds of articles/ stories/ media  (and ads and videos for that matter) are on that site?

This cite covers the topic of the ways people have used plants over time since Ancient Egypt to care for their physical appearance. Furthermore, it discusses how natural resources are currently used in personal-care products. Many plant species are ancient. This paper also shows examples of plants used for personal care which are examined with new scientific advances.

What does that tell you about who they think their audience is? How do you draw that conclusion?

Their audience I believe are people interested in cosmetic history. I think this way because this was published in the Cosmetic section of the journal.

How long are the pieces usually? (pages, words, minutes)?

The pieces are quiet long consisting of fifteen paragraphs

What is the tone, usually? (funny, serious, casual)

The tone is informative yet thrilling.

What kind of diction is usually used? (casual, formal, academic, etc.)

Academic and formal diction is used

How do they usually use evidence/ support (such as data, quotations, interviews, etc)?

With quotations

What can you tell us about their visual presentation?  Is it all black and white text? Video with lots of graphics?

Mainly text with references to images

How can you make your article a good fit for this publication?

I can try to incorporate a more casual and thrilling tone. Instead of being too technical, a brief yet thorough explanation can be better as I do realize that this topic is quiet overwhelming.


  1. Rouba

    I like the idea of choosing to interview your grandmother to make a comparison of skincare products. It’s creative since the audience will be more interested in hearing about a real person’s experience and knowledge of past skincare products other than using a text or an article.

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