English Composition II

Weekly Assignment: Week 10, Day 1

The most important thing I learned in my Unit Two research was that nothing is ever lost in the past. I learned that most of what we know today in cosmetic engineering is parallel to what our predecessors knew and researched. It was interesting to know that “natural” and “raw” methods of beautification are still more or less used today. Some dermatologists recommend natural approaches to their patients. Moreover, the skincare products developed today are formulated with the knowledge and research of antiquity.

Of the five groups mentioned in the Unit Three assignment sheet, I think my best target audience would be City Tech Freshmen students. Since this research is situated around beautification and wellness, I’d assume teenagers would be more curious. On the whole, teenagers/our generation are/is more inquisitive of newly found research and care about their appearance and body.

I believe the best medium to reach my audience would be a video essay. This is because teenagers/young adults/and adults value fast information. For this reason, one of the best ways to deliver a bulk of the information is in a video format.

Lastly, for my Unit 2 article, I think I did a pretty good job. I tried editing and revising the language and style of the article so that it wouldn’t be wordy. I feel that when writing an article that is filled with complex facts and information, it’s best to write in a more conversational tone. Nonetheless, doing this is not easy and I did struggle with writing it well. On the positive side, I used a variety of research to make the article thrilling. I interviewed a student, my grandmother, and I also included images to make the reading thrilling. Although I wish I hadn’t been so complex with my wording. There are parts of my article that may bore or even confused the reader. To improve this for the final portfolio, I will edit the wording and make the article more comprehensible to a wider audience.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Edelson

    Excellent work, Salomee! Your response is lively and thorough. You seem to have a clear plan for how to proceed and of course your engaging Unit 2 essay to draw from as you continue on your journey of exploring natural skin care. I wonder if there is a career in this field in your future?
    I agree that City Tech freshmen are definitely your target audience and I’m sure they will be curious about what you have to offer.
    Prof. Edelson

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