English Composition II

week 10;day 2

It’s important to have a multimodal component in writing classes since it allows you to express creativity. It also allows for you to gain more comprehension and be more open-minded when looking for ways to write and express ideas. To me, multimodality means many different ways to communicate. It’s having more than one component of writing. My specific plans for Unit 3 would be to write a poem or do comic strips. I’m not fully sure but I do want to have some art expressed in it as well where it makes it amusing for my target audience to read.


  1. Account Deleted

    I agree multimodal component is the key to being creative and displaying your ideas and messages in your own unique ways. I like how you said that “multimodality means many different ways to communicate” because it’s true, multimodality gives you different ways and options to communicate and to make what you want to say special and appealing to your audience.

  2. Prof. Edelson

    Ayah! I am thrilled at the idea of your doing comic strips– PLEASE do so! I think that would be a wonderful way to illuminate your perspective.
    Prof. Edelson

  3. Salomee

    Comic strips are so engaging and creative! Can’t wait to see how it comes out. I like your plan a lot!

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