Week 10 Reflection 

Evie Althkefati

English 1121 O450


Week 10 Reflection

One of the most important things I learned in Unit Two research is that even though social media is touted beneficial to users, it poses serious harm in terms of manipulated and targeted advertisements. Such advertisements, especially food advertisements, are undertaken by food companies through influencers with a huge following with the primary aim of hooking social media users to such products. Thus, you will find celebrities endorsing foods on social media. Still, when users are duped into consuming such foods, they end up with eating disorders and other conditions detrimental to their health. However, out of the five groups mentioned in Unit Three assessment sheet, I think that New York City Council members should know about this food manipulation on social media. Such is because this group of people can influence change policy and help stem this problem.

One of the most affected and vulnerable groups of people who are likely to be harmfully affected by the actions of food companies through manipulative advertisements are children. In most cases, children can rarely defend themselves, and these companies are making young people, including teenagers, develop eating disorders and threatening diseases out of greed. The New York City Council members can effect change even though the issue also involves the federal government. They can vouch for policy change that at least protects the people from the actions of the advertisers and food companies on social media. The Council members can also hold such advertisers and food companies responsible in most instances. The best way to approach the New York Council members on this matter is through a meeting and presentation of the research findings, as this would make the work formal and based on empirical evidence. And finally, I think I did well on the outline of my research, the structure, and the use of supportive evidence to defend my findings. However, I will have to improve my clarity and incorporate better research evidence.