A problem that is being frequented a lot is being overweight. It seems unfortunate this issue in which later becomes a lifestyle because this limits us in many things, such as going for a run or practicing a sport for a long time without complaining or complaining about our poor physical condition. This unhealthy life that entails most people, including myself, is gradually destroying us, creating many health problems such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular problems, and respiratory disorders.

Obesity is not an issue that we should ignore or see as something common today. Lately, the government has focused a lot on feeding children and more on schools so that they provide something healthy, which is fine, but they forget about adults. Because people are older does not mean that they make correct decisions regarding food and even less with respect to the type of marketing that is so great with junk food that it is inevitable for someone older to eat unhealthily. 7 out of 10 adults in the United States suffer from obesity, of which a high percentage of them in their childhood were not obese and all this because they allow this to be normal, this being one of the significant causes of death, obesity.