English Composition II

Weekly Assignment #1

I never had a problem or issue with my name and its pronunciation, but I have got to know many people with unique names from different cultures. I always enjoyed this because different languages have different ways of saying certain things. The video and article was very inspiring and it opened my eyes to learn and pronounce peoples name the way they want it to be said. My name is a common name that sometimes I don’t have to tell people how to say it . But in Spanish its sound very different and from my experience when certain people hear it they would rather say it in Spanish then English. I was never treated differently because of my name or where I come from.


  1. Allan Yunayev

    I agree with you, my name is also pretty common so I never had the experience of telling people how to say it.

  2. Jennifer Garcia

    Yea I can relate to you. My name is also very common and never heard anyone mispronounce it. But the video and reading helped me to see how important it is to properly pronounce people’s names. That is their identity and a part of who they are.

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