Learning Experience: Market Research & MS Excel

Over the past couple of days, I have learned and conducted a significant amount of research for Pen America’s development department. The responsibilities assigned to me provided the means for me to reinforce my learning experience including, but is not limited to, researching and retouching photographs for digital media, following the latest news and events about Pen America, providing editorial assistance for acknowledgment letters in terms of editing, writing and proofreading, building contact databases, and exploring the modern individuals who contributed to the wellbeing of literature and free speech in the United States. The daily assignments given to me has proven to be extremely beneficial, sharpening the preparation and time management skills that I have been developing through my academic career.

Furthermore, for market research and analytical data, Microsoft Excel has become one of the top technological tools for my technical skillset. Over the past couple of weeks, I became more efficient in the functions and features offered in MS Excel including, but is not limited to: data filtering and sorting, PivotTables, conditional formatting, Index-Match, mixed/combination type charts, flash fill, data validation, VLOOKUP, and using the built-in formulate for sum, average, minimum and so forth. The skills I acquired at Pen America has proven to be invaluable, for many employers on LinkedIn are expecting more from applicants as the time marches forward.