Art & Copy Final Paper

Name: Dominique Buffaloe
Date: May 15, 2019
Course: Topics in Graphic Design
Professor: Trofimova
Art & Copy Final Paper

In the Art & Copy Documentary, the types of advertising campaigns discussed in this film were the following: President Reagan’s ad campaign, the iconic “Got Milk?” Slogan, the publication ad campaign from Esquire Magazine, Braniff, MTV, “I Love New York”, Tommy Hilfiger, and more. For most of the advertisements showcased in this film, the inspiration came from the real-life experiences, failures, and challenges. The creative professionals and marketing executives created meaningful ads and commercials to reflect on one’s quality of life, their experiences and emotions, forging a special connection between a brand & their consumers.

Got Milk, one of the most successful advertising campaigns for its time, had revitalized the dairy industry after years of decreasing milk sales. According to Art & Copy, the creative process for “Got Milk?” advertisements did not resonate with everyone developing this campaign. Jeff Gooby, a creative executive on the campaign, explained his point of view on why “Got Milk” was appealing – it was short, easy to remember, and simple, with a massive wave of success immediately after its release. Jeff Goodby and the rest of the creative committee had fulfilled their creative brief, marketing milk as a need that should be in every household. Even though the “Got Milk?” ad had a main target audience in California for all ages. It became quite the phenomenon, spreading through the United States of America.

Art & Copy, a 2009 documentary that was published 10 years ago, was a prime demonstration of how lateral thinking and team communication can help create a successful marketing experience for all parties. Thinking outside of the box from one’s own ideas can give an individual a unique perspective, seeing concepts from more than one angle. The more ideas and concepts produced by a creative committee, the higher chances for success with a client, simply because they will have more options when selecting the right advertisement for their brand. An example of lateral thinking presented in Art & Copy is Volkswagen. The ad campaign cut through the negative connotations of Germany’s history, finding heart and passion in Volkswagen through endearing ads to evoke sympathy within us.

After watching this film, I do believe that advertisement is an artistic form of expression and marketing experience. Throughout the film, it was conveyed that a good advertisement could be a brand’s artistic expression through its intended message, the personality it wants to establish, and the emotions it can invoked in others. The marketing experience is knowing how to sell those characteristics and ideals in an engaging manner to any audience. An example of advertisement as an artistic form of expression and the marketing experience in Art & Copy is Apple. The ad campaign for Apple iPods was a blend of life, culture, art, color, and expression combined into one, creating an engaging experience for the audience through the symbolism of music.

In the end, Art & Copy is an informative and interesting documentary to showcase how the advertising industry should be. It’s not about the money, but rather figuring out a creative solution to evoke meaning, emotions, experiences, and personality into a brand and/or corporation. This film has inspired me to seek employment in advertising, because when combined with clear communication, teamwork, design, and understanding on people as whole. You can create an advertisement at an agency that will connect with others, lasting a lifetime.