Assignment file will be posted here soon.

Draft is due Class 12 and Final is due Class 14

25% of total grade


  1. Choose one trend from the list you created for homework due week three.
  2. Using the college library resources, research one trend and identify one article in Cornell Quarterly, one newspaper (NY Times, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal) and two trade articles (to be reviewed in class) that support the trend
  3. Write an annotated bibliography for all four articles (see directions below).
  4. Reflect on the trend by addressing one of the following statements:
    • Based on the articles, identify the skills you will need and what you will do to develop the skills needed to be a leader in the [segment of industry] industry.
    • Based on the articles, I now realize [complete the sentence]. Write about what you will do to learn more about the trend
    • After reading the articles, I have the following question(s) [write the questions]. Explain why you are asking the question(s) and what you will do to find the answers to your questions.

Annotated Bibliography

Use APA 7th edition format for cover page and reference list. Information about APA format is available on the HMGT 1101 Resource Guide and the Purdue OWL. Information about annotating your references is available on the City Tech Library website and the Purdue OWL.


  • Identification of one trend in a chosen segment of the hospitality industry
    • Lodging, Food, Beverage, Restaurants, Tourism, Cruise lines, Transportation, Gaming
    • Consider: Leading companies, leading professionals, new technologies, guest demands, amenities, unique featuresā€¦
  • Identification of at least four (4) credible/academic sources
    • Include one source from the academic journal Cornell Quarterly
    • Include one newspaper article (NY Times, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal)
    • Include two sources from trade publications
  • Annotation of the four (4) credible /academic sources
    • Summary of the article with a description of the source
  • Reflection of the skills, knowledge, and values you will need to develop as a leader in your chosen segment of hospitality.
    • Include industry terminology
    • The reflection should be 150 to 175 words
  • Format: APA 7th edition standards
    • Title page, page numbers, spacing, font and reference page
  • Proofread and free of typos and grammatical errors