Video Game Narrative – Rafaela

Target Audience- Cessi

Delivery Platform – Alonso

Competing games – Alonso

Player Characteristics- Rachel

Game Mechanics – Rachel

Challenge – Shaquanna

Walkthrough – Rafaela, Rachel, Cessi, and Shaquanna

Visual Map of the Game – Alonso and Rachel

Conceptual Art – Rafaela and Cessi

Game Design Document – Role Distribution


  1. Analysis: Video Game Narrative
  2. Project Description: Walkthrough (Consult)

Akash – Proofreader

  1. Analysis: Target Audience
  2. Analysis: Delivery Platform


  1. Game Design Document: Introduction
  2. Project Description: Conceptual Art


  1. Analysis: Review of Competing Games
  2. Project Description: Walkthrough


  1. Design: Player Characteristics
  2. Design: Game Mechanics

Umar – Editor

  1. Analysis: Video Game Narrative
  2. Design: Challenge
  3. Project Description: Visual Map of the Game



Target Audience-Saheba

Delivery Platform –Saheba

Player Characteristics-Arif


Game Mechanics –Mei

Visual Map of the Game –Mei

Review of Competing Games-Louis

Challenge –Louis

Walkthrough – Elizabeth

Video Game Narrative – Elizabeth

Conceptual Art –ArifLouis