Who am I ?

Who am I? My name is Imari Lee. I am 18 years old and currently majoring in Legal Assistance BA. I chose this major becauseĀ I see a promisingĀ future with this careerĀ choice. I’m excited to learn as much as I can about civil law within this course. Something interesting about myself is that I’m a huge foodie. I love food! I’m also a Scorpio and I love to converse about controversialĀ topics. (politicalĀ correctness is a huge thing for me)

1 Comment

  1. Kerin E. Coughlin

    Hi Imari, thanks for your post! You and Kaya should get together, you’re both foodies, check out her post. (I love food too, if someone else cooks it. :)) I also love talking about controversial topics! I think it’s important to do that, to keep ideas flowing openly. Welcome to our course!
    Prof. C.

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