Week 14

Final Work Due


Final Project 2&3 DUE Monday, end of day 5/25

  1. Please make sure to save your final PDF into the Week15-Final-Project2&3 in the class google docs folder:  (make sure to put your name on the file).
  2. Uploaded your final Project 2&3 to your Project 2&3 post on OpenLab from the previous weeks with your sketches https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/comd3601-informationdesignoer/2020/04/21/project-23-sketches/
  3. Please make sure your final draft of Project1 is submitted to the “Week9-Final-Project1-InfoGraphic” in the class google docs folder:  (make sure to put your name on the file).


Wednesday 05/20/20

Today is our last day of class, the grand finale.
Here are details for our meeting.

In Class Presentations

You are welcome to join for the entire class but I have divided you into two groups for the in-class presentations to make it as productive as possible for all. You only need to join for your time slot (see below). Please don’t miss your time slot. Everyone will have 3 minutes to present.
Take careful notes during the in class critique. You will be asked to make all final edits to your project and submit by next Monday, end of day 5/25.
Group 1 – 2:30 – 3:30
  • Alicia
  • Sadia
  • Kimberlee
  • Daniel
  • Or
  • Carmen
  • Yan
  • Jessica
  • Amaris
Overlap – Group 2 Please join btw 3:30 – 3:45
Group 2 – 3:45 – 4:45 PM 
  • Jennifer
  • Hoa
  • Daisy
  • Elijah
  • Tyler
  • Janae
  • Islam
  • Rebecca
  • Kelvin

Final Work Due


1. Final Project 2&3 DUE Monday, end of day 5/25
Please make sure to save your final PDF to:

    1.  Please make sure to save your final PDF into the Week15-Final-Project2&3  class google docs folder:  (make sure to put your name on the file).
    2. and uploaded your final Project 2&3 to your Project 2&3 post on OpenLab from the previous weeks with your sketches https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/comd3601-informationdesignoer/2020/04/21/project-23-sketches/
    3. Please make sure your final draft of Project1 is submitted to the “Week9-Final-Project1-InfoGraphic” in the class google docs folder:  (make sure to put your name on the file).

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