Week 13


Wednesday 05/13/20

Join WebEx call from 2:30-3:30 to go over details and any related questions for finishing and submitting all final work.

Anyone that would like to speak with me thereafter is welcome to stay on. Please email me if you don’t have the WebEx invitation (you should all have received the invitation.  I believe it is the same information as the previous meetings.


  • Final day of classes for everyone is May 22
  • Due dates for Project 2&3 We only have 2 weeks left(!) please plan accordingly:
    • Week 14: This is our FINAL class meeting, we will have in-class presentations of Final Drafts of Project 2&3 (5/20/20)
    • Week 15: There will be no class meeting Week 15 (technically the semester is over), but I will collect your revised and finalized projects, they must be submitted to me by end of day 5/25/20 (Memorial Day).


  1. Phase 3 First draft of Project 2&3:
    1. Upload the first final draft of Project 2&3 to your previous Project 2&3 Post from last week with your sketches.
    2. Make sure you save the PDF of the files into class google drive folder: “Week12-Project2&3-Draft1


  1. Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Timelines
  2. COMD3601Project2+3FINALGradingRubric
  3. Production Day: Use today to make progress on Project 2&3.
    1. Go through feedback you received on your sketches post and continue to work on your project: PART 4: Design and production(Illustrator & InDesign)
    2.  If you would like to speak with me I will be available via our WebEx meeting to answer questions and provide feedback.


  1. Phase 3 First draft of Project 2&3:
    1. Upload the first final draft of Project 2&3 to your previous Project 2&3 post from last week with your sketches
  2. Review everyone’s First Draft posted to Post Your Work
  3. Choose three student’s work (that have not yet received comments from three students) and provide each with the following feedback
  1. Read: Lauren. “The 34 Best Interactive Data Visualizations from the New York Times” Dolphins, February 28, 2018. (Dolphins)
  2. Read: Müller, Boris. “Bringing Design to Science” Medium, October 22, 2017. (Medium)
  3. Read: Christiansen, Jen. “Visualizing Science: Illustration and Beyond” Scientific American, October 25, 2018. (Scientific American)
  4. Read: Lucas, Jake. “Meet Amanda Cox, Who Brings Life to Data on Our Pages” New York Times, February, 28, 2019. (New York Times)


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