Chelsea Galleries

Chelsea Galleries has many exhibitions, and all of them were interesting. There were many photographs each having their only style. I enjoyed the photos, but three exhibitions captured my attention.

Prison Nation

Lucas Foglia, Vanessa and Lauren watering, GreenHouse Program, 2014; © the artist and courtesy Fredericks & Freiser Gallery, New York

Prison Nation was one of the exhibitions that I found interesting. The reason why I find this exhibition interesting is that there are many photographs of life in prison, The photographed I liked is the image above. In media, there aren’t many happy or positive images in prison shown, and in this image, we get to see the prisoner experience. Yes, life is hard in prison. However, prison does steal their smiles or happiness; there are moments where they are happy and having fun.

Leaning Out – Jeffrey Milstein

Coney Island Subway Yard 3,2017- Jeffrey Milstein

The second exhibition I enjoyed was leaning out by Jeffrey Milstein. The exhibition had interesting photo style. Each image was taken from a bird’s eye view; each had different locations. The image I liked was Coney Island Subway Yard 3 when I first saw this photograph I did not notice it was the subway until I saw the tracks. I like its composition, its all about the lines and straight images from a bird’s eye view. The subways and tracks look like a flat image and the use of patterns. It is interesting, it is not what you usually see, or I see in photography.

Facades – Grand Tour 

Markus Brunetti’s Facades – Grand Tour at the Yossi Milo Gallery

The three exhibition I liked was Facades – Grand Tour by Markus Brunetti located at the Yossi Milo Gallery. This exhibition had photographs of historical European architecture for examples images on cathedrals, churches, and cloisters.  Each of the buildings in the photographs popped out,  The picture I liked is shown above, the church captures the structures and admires the craftsmen ship. The colors on this images make the church feel unrealistic and feels like it was photoshopped. The saturation on the church makes the image eye-catching and makes sure the background is not the focus.  Overall, I liked the trip and all the different exhibition. Each had different photographer amazing photographs, and I learn that I still have a long way to go.

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