Mannions Photography

Mannions work is definitely very interesting. He uses a lot of color and contrast throughout his photography. He positions his subjects in a way that describe them in their field of work. He is great at recreating their attitude throughout the photo. Avedon style is very colorless, its usually black and white. His photos have great lighting throughout and inserting composition. He also can be seen using this motion blurring effect through many photos. Its investing because it gives a still image this sort of movement and also a sense of mystery. It makes the image look like its fading away. You can see Mannion recreating this style throughout some of his species like the photoshoot with Jayz. In one of the photos jays is moving and has that added motion blur look. Mannions photo of Jay Z does look like he took into account his teachers teachings. You can see similar composition styles and lighting. The subject has great facial expression and the photo just works very well.

One thought on “Mannions Photography

  1. rmichals

    Hum. Maybe my question wasn’ t specific enough. I was asking everyone to compare Avedon’s portraits to Mannion’s portraits. Apples to apples so to speak. I must admit I am quite baffled to read that your description of Avedon’s photos as using motion blur? His studio portraits are clear and crisp if nothing else.

    I think in the photo Mannion took of Jay Z in the style of Avedon, his quote of the style was quite dilberate. It is a form of respect. There are other portraits on his website where he uses elements of Avedon’s style a bit less consciously. The flat backgrounds paired with front light in particular.


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