Omega and Cindy Response

The first half of the article is explaining about the Cindy and Omega ad as being typical 1930’s glamour girl look. The photographer strategically placed Cindy face on her right arm next to the watch with her mouth open to seem seductive. I definitely agree with the writer, because the black and white feel of the photograph gives it that 1930’s feel and the celebrity being so close to the product was a great way to make them come together.

The second half of the article was about the roles that Cindy and the watch play together, because they are implying a human and thing relationship just the same as a human and human relationship. They state that Cindy charity and Journalistic work throughout her career rub off onto the watch because of the relationship the have together. They also explain the backside of the watch company stating that we don’t know about how the watch was made.

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